Even if Biden wanted to make a deal, he can't, not without Team R screaming about appeasement and bellowing about Munich.
The fact that it was an article of faith among Team D loyalists that the only reason Trump was not even more reckless was because he was a secret Russian agent makes it especially sweet for Team R.
But the real fundamental problem is the zero-sum winner takes all nature of contemporary USA-ian politics. Anything that helps the country but also helps thr other team is bitterly opposed, while policies that hurt the country are supported, as long as the other team is also hurt.
This is a common feature of third world politics. The exception seems to be war and the military, which enjoy bipartisan support rising to the level of sacred cows. This is also a common feature of third world politics.
I should have added that not only does Biden face opposition from Team R, he also would have to get his own military and intelligence agencies to agree to any deal, and right now he is more or less at open war with them over Afghanistan. Witness the finger-pointing festival which followed the military's report last week which basically blamed Biden for everything.
I have nothing but contempt for Biden, but I actually sort of sympathize with him here. Biden is a sociopath Team R are sociopaths, but the military and spooks are not only sociopaths,
Even if Biden wanted to make a deal, he can't, not without Team R screaming about appeasement and bellowing about Munich.
The fact that it was an article of faith among Team D loyalists that the only reason Trump was not even more reckless was because he was a secret Russian agent makes it especially sweet for Team R.
But the real fundamental problem is the zero-sum winner takes all nature of contemporary USA-ian politics. Anything that helps the country but also helps thr other team is bitterly opposed, while policies that hurt the country are supported, as long as the other team is also hurt.
This is a common feature of third world politics. The exception seems to be war and the military, which enjoy bipartisan support rising to the level of sacred cows. This is also a common feature of third world politics.
I should have added that not only does Biden face opposition from Team R, he also would have to get his own military and intelligence agencies to agree to any deal, and right now he is more or less at open war with them over Afghanistan. Witness the finger-pointing festival which followed the military's report last week which basically blamed Biden for everything.
I have nothing but contempt for Biden, but I actually sort of sympathize with him here. Biden is a sociopath Team R are sociopaths, but the military and spooks are not only sociopaths,
they are unelected and are accountable to nobody.